Monday, January 31, 2011

Snow days

Though it's bright and sunny today, my computer dashboard is forecasting more snow for this week! If you're going to be stuck inside like me, check out the sale section of the MamaRobot shop. I wanted to make room for new stock, so I discounted some items by half! Enjoy, and stay warm!

Friday, January 28, 2011

King and Queen

Taking a moment to look away from the mountains of snow out my window and show you K and Q, now up in the shop. Plus, now if you buy 2 prints, you can get $5 bucks off each additional print!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Penny is napping, and I used the downtime to add the letter U to the shop. I had a brainstorm this morning (I get all my best ideas in the shower) to take all these alphabet robots and make an animated film! I haven't made a film in about 10 years, but this one would be pretty easy I think. Plus, I'm married to a super-talented music/recording expert who is easily bribed with a plate of chicken parm.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Today's letter is O! And it's up in the shop right now! Once I get through the entire alphabet (or maybe before) I'm going to add discounts for buying more than one letter, in case people want to buy a few for their child's initials, or one for each sibling, or maybe the whole alphabet! Stay tuned.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


As promised, here is D for Dirty! Today was really dark, rainy, cold and slushy. I had to really do a lot of tweaking with my camera and Photoshop to take a decent picture. Enjoy, and if you know somebody who would love a dirty robot, go check it out the shop!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Gimme an A!

Letter A is now up in the shop. This was one of the first, if not THE first, letter I tackled in my Robot Alphabet project. In the beginning I thought every letter was going to be really robot-y, and the first few letters are (i.e. a for antenna, b for buttons, c for cables). But some of the words I came up with were a bit of a stretch, not to mention difficult to illustrate. So my rule became that the robot had to either BE the word, or BE DESCRIBED BY the word. So D became Dirty, for a dirty robot. (Maybe I'll share that one tomorrow.) And I went on from there.

Monday, January 10, 2011

B and F

B and F prints are now up in the shop! F is one of my favorites because while designing it I realized I was going to have to get creative with robot anatomy if I was going to design 26 distinct robots.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

H and W

H and W have just been added to the shop. Hooray for letters!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

For those loyal enough to be checking up on my long-neglected blog, I'd like to share some new additions to the Etsy shop: Robot Alphabet prints! This is a project I began last July and finished up around October, taking breaks here and there for freelance work. I hope you all like them as much as I do. Happy 2011!