Happy New Year! Pictured above is a small commission I did last month. I usually don't have time for these, but I couldn't turn down a request for a pirate robot!
For Christmas, Chris gave me 3 prints from the fantastic Ryan Berkley, a hand-knit slouch hat (which I prefer to wear all day long, indoors and out, because it's incredibly soft, not itchy, and looks 10x better than my hair), and a melodica, which looks like a tiny piano keyboard, but you blow into it. I gave Chris a Wii! Then I gave myself a Wii Fit Plus, which I love. Except for the talking punching bag - he kinda scares me. Penny got the best present of all (in addition to her snazzy red velour sweatsuit pictured above), a portrait of herself painted by my dad. I'll post a pic in my next entry.
Now we come to the time of year when I'm just DONE with the cold, so in January I plan to distract myself with trips to the pool with Penny, lots of freelance work, working out with Wii Fit, and looking into ZipCar. Stay warm and safe in 2010, and let's all have the best year yet.