Another week, more comics. Sorry I don't have any other artwork to post. These comics are pretty much all I've been drawing lately. I hope to get a break soon! Other highlights from the week:
- I got my acceptance e-mail for the 4th installment of Too Art For TV. I'm very excited and glad I proposed something that will be realistic to accomplish in the little bits of free time I have left after Penny, the shop, and freelancing.
- Omega 3's are especially vital after having a baby, so Wednesday night, I made this yummy salmon recipe. Thanks Jenna Lou!
- Went for a run along the river Thursday morning, my first serious attempt in ages. It soon became clear that I am in desperate need of some new workout clothes. My baggy sweats are not cutting it, especially now that I'm chipping away at the baby weight. Anyone have recommendations for places/websites to buy basic workout gear?
- We're getting cable installed today. I was content being cable-free, convinced it would sabotage my productivity, and also satisfied with watching The Office, LOST, the news, and Seinfeld re-runs. However, we just bought a flat screen tv and apparently you can no longer just plug in a tv and get reception anymore. So we're giving in. I must admit I'm looking forward to it. A lot.
- Chris had a show at the local library and I took Penny to see her dad perform. Chris announced her to the crowd and she got an applause! Penny stayed pretty mellow throughout...I think she recognized her dad's voice.
- The shop has passed the 700 sale mark! I'm so grateful that so many of you find the Robo tee a fitting Father's Day gift.
Well, that's mostly what's been going on around here. Enjoy your day, and look for new goodies in the shop next week!