Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Bunny Bucks!

Check out what the first 75 attendees at this weekend's Quirky Crafters Holiday Bazaar will find in their goody bags: MamaRobot coupons! (The post title was my cute husband's idea.)
I'm glad I was able to crank these out today, because tomorrow I'm back in the dentist chair for a bone graft. I'm guessing there won't be much work going on at MamaRobot headquarters for the rest of the day. (Although I will be shipping orders. Lucky for me the Post Office is across the street!)
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!


Barb McMahon and Alan Mailloux said...

Those are so cute! Wish I could go!

Good luck with the bone graft. Sounds painful!

Amanda aka MamaRobot said...

Thanks, Barb!
I'm feeling much better now :)

Amanda aka MamaRobot said...
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